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Our Project

Our love for cooking was enhanced as mothers where, inspired by Maria Montessori educational pedagogy,  we have involved our kids (Gherardo and Leonardo) since early ages in the preparation of food to create beautiful and tasty meals!

During the months of the 2020 lockdown, the idea of ​​traveling and discovering the world through cooking and food experience was born! Together, from our home kitchen, we imagined a project that can communicate the story of friendship and freedom, genuine food, flavors, culture diversity and interconnection...


This is how “Lesartichokes” is born, artichokes in French, ardi-shoki in Lebanese, articiochi in Triestino. And with SPIN THE SPOON  we hope to travel with you around the globe discovering new tastes, new cultures and culinary habits from all around the world!


Most of our recipes are prepared with the help of our kids, who have now become extraordinary young chefs! Naturally, the messy kitchen became a charm and our dishes a perfect imperfection! They tell our story... a story of of family homecooking, sharing, gathering and discovering... Therefore we created POLPETTA ACADEMY as a space to share with you various recipes to enjoy preparing with the help of your kids!  It will be as well a space to feature  favourite recipes created and cooked by kids from around the world!


We hope you enjoy browsing our blog and reading all the special content we offer. Take a look around, you may find something that will thrill you. Read on and enjoy!




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©2021 di lesartichokes. Creato con

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