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Bagnet verd

The original recipe written by Giovanni Vialardi, cook and pastry chef of King Carlo Alberto, dates back to the 19th century and is contained in the book "Cucina Borghese".

What are we referring to? But with bagnet verd, the traditional Piedmontese side dish made with parsley and salted anchovies, mostly used to flavor mixed boiled meats, tomino cheese, or as a condiment for boiled potatoes.

But it can also be eaten on crunchy croutons.

What do you need

Parsley 100g

Egg yolks 2

firm Bread 30 g

Stale Vinegar 25ml

Garlic 1 clove

Anchovy 3 fillets

Capers 10

Extra virgin olive oil 40ml

salt to taste

How to proceed

Wash and dry the parsley well then chop it finely with a knife.

Remove the crust from the stale bread and cut it into small pieces.

Place the bread in a bowl and sprinkle it with the vinegar. Let it rest for a few minutes, then squeeze it.

Put the bread in the blender jug. Add the anchovies, the desalted capers and the garlic after removing the inner core. Blend until you get a kind of paste. Add what has been obtained in a bowl with the previously chopped parsley.

Boil the eggs and when they are hard-boiled, remove the shell and remove the yolks. Add the egg yolks to the other ingredients by sieving them with a fine mesh strainer.

Mix all the ingredients very well and add the oil slowly until you get a real sauce. Taste and adjust with salt if necessary.

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