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Beef Wellington

This recipe is following the steps in the video for making Beef Wellington by Chef Gordon Ramsay

A traditional English dish that was a popular "fancy" dish in the mid-1900s. It consists of a beef fillet, seared, brushed with mustard, wrapped in a mushroom duxelles, raw ham, and covered with a puff pastry then baked.

It Looks complicated and much more difficult than it really is. The result is fantastic and worth it, give it a try!

Cooking time: 80 mins

Prep time: 20 mins

Ingredients for 5 persons

What do you need?

  • 500 gr of beef fillet

  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 500 gr of a mixture of wild mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

  • 8 slices of raw ham ( prosciutto of Parma)

  • 2 tablespoons yellow English Mustard

  • 1 puff pastry

  • 2 egg yolks beaten

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

How to proceed?

  1. Season the fillet with salt and pepper.

  2. In a large pan on high heat, add a tablespoon or two of Extra virgin olive oil. Sear the fillet in the pan for 30 to 60 second on all sides until well browned.

  3. Remove from the pan and leave to cool.

  4. Put the chopped mushrooms into a food processor and purée.

  5. On another pan heat two tablespoons of olive oil, add the mushroom puré. Cook until the mushroom begin to release their moisture.

  6. Continue to cook over a high heat for about 10 minutes until all the excess moisture has evaporated and you are left with a mushroom paste (known as a duxelle).

  7. Remove the duxelle from the pan and leave to cool.

  8. Roll out a large sheet of cling film. Place on top the slices of raw ham overlapping them to form a square shape.

  9. Spread the mushroom mixture evenly over the raw ham.

  10. Bruch the fillet on all sides with mustard, place it on top of the mushroom paste.

  11. With the help of the cling film, roll the raw ham and mushroom over the beef, and tie it well. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

  12. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

  13. Roll out the puff pastry and wrap the beef fillet.

  14. Brush with the egg wash and score the top of the pastry with a sharp knife.

  15. Bake for 35 minutes.

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