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Best Homemade Giardiniera

Giardiniera is one condiment you don’t want to be without.  And once you’ve tried it you’ll understand why.

Originating in Italy, these pickled vegetables were introduced all around the world by Italian immigrants.

It’s used on practically everything!  

Colorful and crunchy, they satisfy the eye and taste and traditionally accompany appetizer cold cuts and cheeses.

Before starting the preparation, remember the rules for the perfect sterilization of the jars!

What do you need

1 red pepper

1 yellow pepper

3 carrots

2-3 sticks of celery

1/2 cauliflower

3 red onions from Tropea

1/2 dl of white vinegar


salt and pepper to taste

How to proceed

To prepare Giardiniera, start by washing and drying all the vegetables well. With a knife cut the celery into small pieces; pass to the cauliflower by detaching the florets and finally cut the onions into wedges.

Cut the peppers into not too large slices and finally cut the carrots.

When you have finished cleaning and cutting all the vegetables, start filling the previously sterilized jars (500 ml), alternating the vegetables as you like, trying not to leave empty spaces between one vegetable and another.

Stop with the layer of vegetables one finger from the edge.

After filling them all, add a teaspoon of fine salt, a handful of white pepper and 50 ml of wine vinegar to each jar.

Cover the vegetables flush with water and close the jars, always taking care to leave about 2 centimeters between the cap and the food. Place a tea towel on the bottom of a pot and then place the filled jars.

Fill with water and cover the jars with a cloth and bring to the boil, leaving it to boil for about 40 minutes.

Leave to cool and turn the jars upside down. Check that the vacuum has formed.

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