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Children's hands...

"The human hand allows the mind to reveal itself" Maria Montessori

Children's hands are marvelous and charming!…. Have you ever tried to observe a child hand? It has something magical…..observing these little fingers, that over the years, learn to touch, hold, grasp, knead, press, throw, slide off, sew… is really fascinating.

Each age has its conquest, its special abilities... Every now and then, we look at the pictures we have taken of our children over the years: the first doughs, the first vegetables that they cut, the peeled fruits the mixing and handling of various ingredients in the kitchen. Those small and fluffy hands have grown longer and became more refined with time and with them the imagination and curiosity of our little ones have grown….

Therefore, we decided to dedicate part of our posts and recipes to a new project the we called “Polpetta Academy” It will be fully dedicated to our sons Gherardo and Leonardo hands in the kitchen and everywhere, to their recipes and inventions (not only in the kitchen)! Stay tuned a lot of fun is on the way!

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