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Fresh homemade pasta with eggs

Mix eggs to some flour, and your fresh pasta dough is ready! Yes, believe it is as easy as that. Fresh homemade pasta is easy and fun to make especially with the help of the little ones! It has many creative possibilities (different colors and different shapes); today we will explore together the main original recipe, and though out the coming year we will be posting variations and new recipes.

Prep time: 15 mins

Quantity: 150 to 170 gr of fresh pasta

What do you need?

  • 100 gr of all purpose flour

  • 1 Egg

  • 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil

How to proceed?

  1. To make the dough by hand pour the flour on your counter and make a well in the middle

  2. Break the eggs into the well and add one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil.

  3. Whisk the eggs with a fork and start incorporating the flour little by little until it has all been absorbed.

  4. Roll the dough in a ball shape cover it with a kitchen towel or floured plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 min.

  5. Prepare your hand crank pasta machine to roll out the dough.

  6. Cut off a piece about the size of the palm of the hand; flour the dough lightly so that it does not stick to the machine

  7. Adjust the pasta machine to level 1 and put the pasta through.

  8. After the pasta comes through, fold it into thirds and pass it through gain for few times

  9. Adjust the machine to level 2 and pass through the dough.

  10. Repeat adjusting the machine to a thinner level and passing through the dough until you reach the desired thickness.

  11. Always flour your dough to avoid sticking to the roller.

  12. Your pasta sheets are ready! You can use the rolled pasta sheets for making lasagna, ravioli, tortellini or you can cut it into a linguini or fettucine shape using the pasta machine.

  13. Toss the cut pasta with a little flour so it does not stick and store it a sheet pan.


  • You can make the dough in a stand mixer if you prefer: add the eggs to your mixer, mix a little and then start adding the flour little by little until you have a nice dough mix.

  • Never wash your pasta machine just brush out the flower and wipe it with a dry kitchen towel.

  • Keep the bag of flour close to the counter and remember to keep your dough lightly flowered to avoid sticking.

  • If you do not have a crank pasta machine, you can roll out the dough by hand using a rolling pin. It is one of the most difficult techniques to use specially to reach the desired thickness.

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