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Hosomaki are the simplest sushi, but also the best known and most popular. The classic cylindrical roll, with a main ingredient in the center, which can be raw fish, cooked fish, vegetables or other, rice around it and nori seaweed on the outside. Let's find out what hosomaki are and how to prepare them at home with their original recipe.

We start from the base of each sushi, the rice. For hosomaki, specific rice for sushi is used, a particular sweet and short-grain variety, which is cooked and then soaked with rice vinegar. The types of fish used in the filling are tuna, salmon and crab. The fish can be raw, marinated or seared.

In addition to fish, vegetable ingredients can also be used, one of which is avocado, which goes perfectly with salmon. The last ingredient that will be needed is Nori seaweed in sheets, now widespread in many supermarkets and food stores, including non-specialized ones.

What do you need

For a hosomaki roll you will need:

1/2 nori seaweed

80 g sushi rice (cooked)

1 strip of salmon

1 avocado.

How to proceed

First, cook the sushi rice and once ready, let it cool. Cut the nori seaweed in two from the long side. Half of it will be enough to make a hosomaki roll.

Place the nori seaweed on a bamboo mat (makisu) and place a layer of cooked rice on top using your fingertips.

Leave a few grains of rice along the end to act as a glue when you close the roll. When processing the rice, always keep your hands slightly wet so that it does not stick to your fingers.

On top of the rice layer, spread a strip of salmon and one of avocado.

Close the nori seaweed by pulling the mat upwards and rolling the hosomaki forward. The roll must be very tight so that at the moment of cutting the roll remains compact and does not fall apart. Unroll the mat and place the hosomaki on a cutting board.

Moisten the blade and cut the roll in two, then cut out 4 equal parts from each half.

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