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Lemon jam

Aggiornamento: 11 feb 2022

With 3 simple ingredients only: lemons, water and sugar you can make one of the best lemon jam. Taste it spread over a toasted bread, a crepe or pancake for a sweet and refreshing morning breakfast!

Cooking time: 60 mins

Prep time: 20 mins plus resting time

Ingredients for 2 jars

What do you need?

  • 1/2 kg of organic, untreated lemons.

  • 300 gr of sugar (white cane sugar).

  • 2 X 300 gr glass jars of water.

How to proceed?

  1. Wash and dry the lemons.

  2. Cut off the ends and slice into thin cuts as thinly as you can, remove the seeds.

  3. Place the sliced lemon pieces in a glass bowl, cover with water and let it rest for 24 hours.

  4. Replace the water and let it rest for another 24 hours (we skipped this second step because our lemons were ripe at the right point. If you do not want the jam to bee too acidic, a second maceration is recommended).

  5. Sterilize and prepare the jars (follow the link for instructions)

  6. Drain the lemons.

  7. In a pot over medium heat add the lemon cover with water and bring to a boil until the peel is tender.

  8. Drain the lemons again (set the water aside), add sugar, cook over medium heat stirring frequently to avoid burning or sticking. If they get too dry, you can add some cooking water little by little as needed.

  9. Fill the sterilized jars with the hot jam, taking care not to overfill it to the brim.

  10. Close the jars tightly and let them cool upside down.

  11. To extend the shelf life of your preserves: after filling your jars , put on the lid palce them apart in a large pot, cover with water then bring to a boil for 20 mins. Turn the heat off then leave the jars to cool completely.

Lemon jam jars are ready!


  • Fill the jars not quite to the top, leave about 1/2 cm gap at the top between the jam and the lid.

  • The jam can be kept in a cool place for two / three months . Once opened it must be kept in the fridge and consumed in a few days

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