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Polpetta Academy Muffins

Our irresistible savoury muffins are packed with flavour thanks to scamorza and pecorino cheese, olives, ham, mashrooms and plenty of vegetables.

Have fun preparing them with your children: they are perfect for a Sunday brunch or a pic nic!

What do you need

2 medium free range eggs

150 ml (⅔ cup) whole milk

200 gr flour

100 ml (⅓ cup + 1 tbsp) olive oil

120 g (1 cup) scamorza cheese

80 gr pecorino cheese

80 gr peas

4 Piccadilly tomatoes

10 black olives

100 gr ham in cubes

100 gr mushrooms

1 teaspoon dry yeast

pinch salt and pepper

How to proceed

Preheat the oven to 200°C and place the eggs in a large bowl, add milk and extra virgin olive oil

Incorporate the flour and a little salt and pepper and mix until a homogeneous dough is obtained, then add pecorino and scamorza cheese.

Divide the dough into equal parts and add a single ingredient to each one (peas, or ham, or mushrooms, or cherry tomatoes, or olives).

Oil the cups and fill them with the batter then cook in the oven for 20/25 minutes.

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