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Phyllo dough

As thin as a veil and typically crunchy, phyllo dough is useful in the preparation of many recipes. Baked or fried, it is ideal for giving the right balance of textures, for example in dishes where the filling is soft. A basic recipe, simple to make with your kids, to try and always have available to give vent to the imagination!!

What do you need

200 g flour

100 g of warm water

10 g of extra virgin olive oil

a pinch of salt

Cornstarch for dusting

How to proceed

Weigh all the ingredients into a jug. Mix first with your fingertips, then proceed to work with your palms, or with a food processor, until you get a homogeneous ball of dough.

Divide the dough into 4 parts and wrap each piece with plastic wrap. Let it rest for two hours. After this time, unwrap only the piece you need from the film and then proceed to gently roll it out. You can choose to use the rolling pin or the machine to roll out the fresh pasta.

Always take care to sprinkle the dough with cornstarch before rolling it out.

Once you have obtained a sheet of pastry thin, enough to be able to almost see through, divide it into 4 squares.

Dust the 4 squares of puff pastry with starch and overlap them carefully.

At this point roll out the dough further; first lengthwise, then widthwise.

Your sheet of phyllo dough is now ready to be used. If you want to keep it instead, place a piece of baking paper under your phyllo dough sheet and wrap everything carefully. Store in the refrigerator.

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