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Pimientos de Padrón

These delicious little green peppers originate from the municipality of Padrón in the province of Coruña are ubiquitous in Tapas places in Spain.

They are cooked whole and eaten with your hands.

Although they look like chillies, they are not spicy, but sweet. I mean, most of them are sweet, and some are spicy… super hot!!

What do you need

3 cloves of garlic

4 tablespoons of olive oil

300 g of pimientos de Padrón

2 tablespoons of liquid honey

fleur de sel to tast

pepper to taste

How to proceed

Crush the garlic with a knife.

Heat the oil in a large pan.

Add the pimientos and sauté over medium heat for. 5 minutes.

Add the garlic and continue cooking for 2 minutes.

Add the honey and shake the pan so that the honey melts well.

Season with fleur de sel and pepper.

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