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Potato Gnocchi

Potato gnocchi, a traditional dish of the Italian cuisine. Like pasta, it can be seasoned in varied ways. Gnocchi is served as a first course dish that pleases kids and adults. Preparing gnocchi at home is easier than one might think, prepare it with your kids and we secure some fun and an irresistible result. Try it!

Cooking time: 20 mins

Prep time: 15 mins

Ingredients for 3 people

What do you need?

  • 650 g of potatoes

  • salt

  • 2 teaspoons of grappa (optional)

  • 200 g of flour

  • 1 egg

How to proceed?

  1. Bring a large pot of cool salted water to a boil. Add the potatoes and cook for 20-25 minutes until cooked.

  2. Drain and peel the potatoes. Pass them through the potato masher. Spread out on a pastry board until cool enough to handle,

  3. Add salt, grappa and sprinkle over the flour (the quantity requiered is to obtain a not too sticky dough). More Flour can be added later if the dough is too soft and sticky.

  4. Add the whole egg and using your hands, gently mix into the potatoes until evenly distributed and we have a dough.

  5. knead the dough, adding little by little and as much flour as you need until the dough loses stickiness and becomes more solid.

  6. Cut one piece at a time and make a long roll with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm depending on the desired thickness of the gnocchi.

  7. Cut the roll into small pieces; make balls that you pass on the back of the grater or on the prongs of a fork. (Search on the internet you can easily find a lot of videos)

  8. Repeat with the remaining dough. Make the gnocchi, and leave them on a floured kitchen towel white cloth

  9. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and add the gnocchi little at a time to avoid sticking.

  10. Boil until they float to the surface (30 to 60 seconds).

  11. Remove carefully with a slotted spoon and enjoy it with butter and sage or a tomato sauce.


  • Use potato types that are floury. Red potatoes are widely used.

  • Crush the potatoes when they are still hot but not boiling.

  • Never add too much flour otherwise; the gnocchi will be hard and chewy. The amount should be just enough to make the dough less sticky. The quantity always varies according to the humidity of the potatoes you are using.

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