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Preserved lemons

Aggiornamento: 11 feb 2022

This process is an ancient method of preserving lemons for a longer period, enhancing their aromas thanks to the essential oils contained in the peel! It is the perfect way to have lemons all year through ready for to flavor your dishes when needed.

As part of the Moroccan and Middle Eastern cuisine, they add a flavor to tagines do not hesitate to use them as well to flavor sandwiches and stews. Their flavor is a little salty, aromatic and a little sour.

Cooking time: 0 mins

Prep time: 20 mins

Ingredients for 1 medium size jar

What do you need?

  • Organic, untreated lemons

  • Coarse salt

  • Sterilized jar

How to proceed?

  1. Wash the lemons, rubbing them carefully and dry them with a clean kitchen cloth.

  2. Sterilize the jar (follow the link for instructions).

  3. Cut off the ends of each lemon and cut them crosswise leaving the 4 wedges attached to the base.

  4. Put some salt inside the notches of the lemons; squeeze them tightly in your hands to close them a little.

  5. Cover the bottom of the sterilized jar, with 2 tablespoon of salt. Insert the lemons, squeezing them well on the bottom so that they release their juice.

  6. Fill the space between the lemons with coarse salt.

  7. Press the lemons into the jar as hard as you can to leave no gaps.

  8. Put the jar in a dark and cool place. let it ferment at least 3-4 weeks.

  9. The jar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.


  • During the fermentation period make sure the lemons always stay below the liquid in the jar, otherwise add more salt.

  • The salt and lemon juice will combine to make a brine which will inhibit mold from growing and will allow beneficial bacteria to grow. The presence of salt causes lactic fermentation to start correctly. The brine stimulates the growth of those strains of bacteria, which produce lactic acid with a preservative action. This fermentation process applies not only to lemons but also to many other vegetables. Examples of excellent vegetables that are suitable for this type of fermentation: red beets, head cabbage, carrots, green tomatoes and peppers, cucumbers, onions, turnips, courgettes and squash, green beans, radishes and broccoli

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