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Risotto alla milanese (saffron risotto)

Saffron risotto (Risotto alla Milanese) is probably one of the most famous risotto recipe. Creamy and tasty, saffron risotto is made with rice, saffron, butter, meat stock, dry white wine and Parmigiano cheese.

The rice traditionally used for this recipe is Carnaroli rice.

Someone prefer Vialone Nano, which is more refined but more difficult to cook. Both are excellent choices but for this recipe we used Carnaroli rice that we consider the best choice for the best result.

What do you need

350 g (1 3/4 cups) of Carnaroli rice

2 liters (about 8 cups) of broth

1/2 teaspoon of saffron threads

90 g (about 1 stick) of butter

1 leek, or little onion or 1 shallot

100 ml (1/2 cup) of dry white wine

60 g (1/2 cup) of grated Parmigiano

How to proceed

First of all, make beef or chicken stock. It must be tasty, so try it before making saffron risotto.

You can follow our homemade broth recipe.

Meanwhile, finely chop the leek.

In pan, simmer half the butter with the onion for 2 minutes on medium heat. Stir from time to time, till the onion is soft and traslucent. Now add the rice and cook for 2 minutes, always stirring, till the grains are slightly glassy.

Then add the white wine, stir and let it evaporate, over high heat.

If you don’t like the acidity that releases the white wine, do not add it and go to the next step.

Add the saffron dissolved in a little to the rim and mix well.

Add the hot broth one ladle at a time. At first, there will be a sizzle: part of the stock, in contact with the hot pan, evaporates.

Then immediately add another ladle.

During cooking, the rice must always be covered with broth.

In this way it releases the starches and the grain does not break.

You do not have to use all the stock. Just what you need. Simmer the broth over a low heat with the lid on.

When you see that the risotto is drying out, add a ladle or two of hot boiling broth.

The stock must be at the level of the rice: not too little, which you struggle to stir it, nor too much because you run the risk of the boiled rice effect.

How long does it take for a perfectly cooked rice? For Carnaroli rice about 14 minutes, plus 3 for creaming. So let it cook over medium heat and stir occasionally until ready.

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