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Salpicòn de mariscos (seafood salad)

A rather classic recipe, which is also served as tapas with many variations in Spanish bars we prepared it with a citrus and ginger marinade, in a truly "gourmant" recipe.

What do you need

20 peeled shrimp tails

10 cherry tomatoes

1 untreated orange

1 untreated lemon

1 little fresh onion

1 piece of fresh ginger

a few fresh mint leaves

extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper for seasoning

How to proceed

Prepare the marinade with the orange and lemon juice, a few broken mint leaves, the thinly sliced ​​onion and a piece of grated ginger. Mic and read aside.

Boil plenty of lightly salted water in a saucepan, add the citrus peel, a few mint leaves and the remaining ginger.

Meanwhile cut the cherry tomatoes and season them with salt.

Let the flavored water boil for a few minutes, then turn off the heat and immerse the prawns for a few seconds.

Drain the prawns, let them cool, dip them in the marinade and add the tomatoes. the dish is ready!

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