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Squid game!

What can you do if your husband comes back from the market with two kilos of squids? I would say …you have two choices: you ask for “divorce” or you can find a better solution in your kitchen!

First have a look at the squids to see what size they are: if they are big and thick, you can prepare squid balls or stuffed squids; If they are small and tender you can choose this perfect mixed fried seafood or a delicious pasta seafood sauce to prepare.

Whichever recipe you choose, there is no escape; you have to start cleaning the squids! Cleaning it yourself is an economical option, it might seem a mission impossible task, yet you will see that it is surprisingly easy to do so.

Follow these 4 simple steps and you will have beautiful clean squids ready to be used:

  1. Remove head from squid body by pulling apart and set the tentacles aside. The head and innards should easily slip out of the body.

  2. Empty the pouch by removing the entrails from the inside of the body together with the quill.

  3. Remove the purple membrane from the outside of the body. Using a sharp knife cut the fins from the main body .

  4. Take back the tentacles use a sharp knife to remove the head and squeeze the tentacles to push out the beak; wash them carefully and let them drain.

Your squids now are white and clean! Enjoy cooking them in the recipe of your choice.

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