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Tarte au chocolat fondant

"Mom can we have a snack?"

"Sure guys! What do you feel like having?"

"A chocolate cake!!!"

"Great, do you have all what is needed to prepare your chocolate cake?"

"Mhhhhh let's check :)"

Every daily activity is an opportunity for our kids to learn and grow!

The beauty of a small town like the one in which we live, is when a ten years old boy can cross a couple of blocks, reach a shop, buy the ingredients he has already noted on a list, weigh the items, check the prices, pay and finally, return home to prepare his favourite delicious chocolate cake! It is not over yet the fun is about to start... dosing carefully the ingredients, breaking the eggs with a lot of attention, mixing the ingredients and most importantly having patience while checking the cooking times!

What do you need?

250 gr dark chocolate

120 gr butter

4 eggs

150 gr sugar

2 tablespoon powered sugar

2 tablespoon floor

1 pinch yeast

How to proceed

First of all, melt the butter and chocolate in a bain-marie until you get a smooth and creamy mixture.

Then whisk the eggs with the icing sugar for 5 minutes. finally let the butter and chocolate mixture cool down and add the flour (sifted) mixing well into the mixture.

Then pour the chocolate mixture into the eggs and mix with a spatula, making slow movements, from bottom to top so as not to disassemble everything, until you obtain a creamy and homogeneous mixture Finally pour into a pan lined with baking paper.

Cook in a hot, static oven at 180° for 25 – 30 minutes.

When tested with a toothpick it must be creamy. if you want a more compact cake, just leave it in the oven for 5 more minutes, it will be soft.

Leave to cool for 10 – 15 minutes in the pan. Then open the circle and let it cool for another 10 minutes out of the pan.

Lifting it will crack the surface, that's normal! that's his feature! trim the edges and transfer to a serving dish!

Your dark chocolate cake is ready!

Sprinkle with powdered sugar to cover a few small imperfections!

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